Some quick updates!

6:38 PM

It's all set and I am excited! Aia and I are heading to Hong Kong tomorrow evening and it's gonna be so much fun. Hopefully I have enough money for shopping. But without a doubt, I'm looking forward to Disneyland the most. And maybe also the food.

Cat has also promised to meet us at Langham place on Sunday for lunch. She said, and I will hold her to it, that she's treating us to some dimsum. I can't wait. I freaking love dimsum.

Oh! Also, due to Cebu Pacific's piso-fares, my family was able to book flights to Seoul for the end of the year. I know we have like 10 more months to go, but I am beyond thrilled over this. Except, it's gonna be winter. And I don't think I was made for frigidly cold weather.

And lastly, by the end of the month, we can finally move into our new house. It's just about done and I can't wait to start buying stuff for my room. The entire house is pretty much compact and functional, but it's still pretty. Can't wait!

Almost there... :)

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